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Net Income to Stockholders Margin for Insight Enterprises Inc

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NSIT: Insight Enterprises Inc

Insight Enterprises, Inc., together with its subsidiaries, provides information technology, hardware, software, and services in the United States and internationally. The company offers modern platfor...

154.18 USD
Fair Value
146.56 - 228.07
52-week range


Fiscal Years
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The following section summarizes insights on Insight Enterprises Inc's Net Income to Stockholders Margin:

Dec 2016Dec 2018Dec 2020Dec 2022Dec 20241.0%2.0%3.0%4.0%

Performance Summary
  • Insight's latest twelve months net income to stockholders margin is 2.9%
  • Insight's net income to stockholders margin for fiscal years ending December 2020 to 2024 averaged 2.6%.
  • Insight's operated at median net income to stockholders margin of 2.7% from fiscal years ending December 2020 to 2024.
  • Looking back at the last 5 years, Insight's net income to stockholders margin peaked in December 2023 at 3.1%.
  • Insight's net income to stockholders margin hit its 5-year low in December 2020 of 2.1%.
  • Insight's net income to stockholders margin decreased in 2024 (2.9%, -6.4%) and increased in 2020 (2.1%, +0.4%), 2021 (2.3%, +12.3%), 2022 (2.7%, +15.7%), and 2023 (3.1%, +14.0%).

How does Insight Enterprises's Net Income to Stockholders Margin benchmark against competitors?

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We've identified the following companies as similar to Insight Enterprises Inc because they operate in a related industry or sector. We also considered size, growth, and various financial metrics to narrow down the list to the ones listed below.

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Metrics similar to Net Income to Stockholders Margin in the efficiency category include:

  • Piotroski Score - A score developed by Stanford accounting professor Joseph Piotroski to find companies with healthy Liquid Balance Sheets, Profitability, and Operating Efficiency.
  • Unadjusted EBIT Margin - Unadjusted earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) expressed as a percent of revenue.
  • Avg Pre-tax Income Margin (10y) - Ten-year quarterly average pre-tax margin.
  • FFO Payout Ratio (REIT) - FFO payout ratio that is calculated as total dividends paid divided by funds from operations over the same period.
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Net Income to Stockholders Margin

A ratio that measures the amount of profit that stockholders earn on each dollar of revenue earned by the firm.

Definition of Net Income to Stockholders Margin

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The net income to stockholders margin measures a company’s net income to stockholders as a percentage of the revenue. The formula to calculate net income to stockholders margin and an example calculation for Insight’s trailing twelve months is outlined below:

Net Income to Stockholders Margin  = Net Income to Stockholders / Total Revenue
2.9% = 249.7 M  /  8.702 B

The tables below summarizes Insight’s performance over the last five years:

Fiscal YearNet Income to StockholdersRevenueMargin
2020-12-31172.6 M8.341 B2.1%
2021-12-31219.3 M9.436 B2.3%
2022-12-31280.6 M10.431 B2.7%
2023-12-31281.3 M9.176 B3.1%
2024-12-31249.7 M8.702 B2.9%

The tables below summarizes Insight’s performance over the last four quarters:

Quarter EndingNet Income to StockholdersRevenueMargin
2024-03-3167.027 M2.379 B2.8%
2024-06-3087.444 M2.162 B4.0%
2024-09-3058.208 M2.088 B2.8%
2024-12-3137.012 M2.073 B1.8%

You can read more about Net Income to Stockholders here.

Click the link below to download a spreadsheet with an example Net Income to Stockholders Margin calculation for Insight Enterprises Inc below:

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