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Net Income to Stockholders for Insight Enterprises Inc

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NSIT: Insight Enterprises Inc

Insight Enterprises, Inc., together with its subsidiaries, provides information technology, hardware, software, and services in the United States and internationally. The company offers modern platfor...

160.42 USD
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146.56 - 228.07
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The following section summarizes insights on Insight Enterprises Inc's Net Income to Stockholders:

Dec 2016Dec 2018Dec 2020Dec 2022Dec 2024100 M150 M200 M250 M300 M

Performance Summary
  • Insight's latest twelve months net income to stockholders is 249.7 million
  • Insight's net income to stockholders for fiscal years ending December 2020 to 2024 averaged 240.7 million.
  • Insight's operated at median net income to stockholders of 249.7 million from fiscal years ending December 2020 to 2024.
  • Looking back at the last 5 years, Insight's net income to stockholders peaked in December 2023 at 281.3 million.
  • Insight's net income to stockholders hit its 5-year low in December 2020 of 172.6 million.
  • Insight's net income to stockholders decreased in 2024 (249.7 million, -11.2%) and increased in 2020 (172.6 million, +8.3%), 2021 (219.3 million, +27.1%), 2022 (280.6 million, +27.9%), and 2023 (281.3 million, +0.2%).

How does Insight Enterprises's Net Income to Stockholders benchmark against competitors?

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We've identified the following companies as similar to Insight Enterprises Inc because they operate in a related industry or sector. We also considered size, growth, and various financial metrics to narrow down the list to the ones listed below.

Metric Usage: Net Income to Stockholders

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To view the full list of supported financial metrics please see Complete Metrics Listing.

Similar Metrics

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Metrics similar to Net Income to Stockholders in the financials category include:

  • Normalized Net Income - This item is EBT, Excl. Unusual Items * (1 - Statutory Tax Rate) + Minority Int. in Earnings. Note: this metric assumes a statutory tax rate of 37.5% for all companies.
  • Stock-Based Comp, Unallocated - Stock-Based Comp., Other (Total) is a supplemental line item that represents stock based compensation disclosed by the company but not associated with a particular operating expense - values can be either main table line items or standalone values This item includes: Stock purchase discount Incentive stock and other compensation. ESOP expense Stock price related incentive program Stock appreciation right expense or stock discount Non-cash stock compensation Discretionary ESOP contribution Non-cash imputed (ESOP) compensation expense Contributions to employee profit sharing and employee stock option plan. Compensatory element of stock issuance Transaction related compensation charge. Non-recurring compensation expense on option grants. Share based plans.
  • Corporate Tax Rate (Operating Country) - Corporate tax rate in the country where the company operates.
  • Last Earnings Date - The date of the company announced earnings to the market
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Net Income to Stockholders

This item represents the net income or loss available to preferred and common stockholders and is arrived after adjusting net income to the company.

Definition of Net Income to Stockholders

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Net Income is defined as:

Net Income = Revenue - All Operating Expenses - Taxes
Tax Effected Unusual Items = Unusual Items * (1 - Tax Rate)
Net Income = Net Income + Tax Effected Unusual Items

Net Income is an entity’s revenue minus cost of goods sold, expenses and taxes for an accounting period.

Click the link below to download a spreadsheet with an example Net Income to Stockholders calculation for Insight Enterprises Inc below:

Sector Benchmark Analysis

Industry Group
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-223.3 M176.7 M576.7 M1.34 B2006001,000

The chart above depicts the distribution of net income to stockholders for companies operating in the Information Technology sector in the Developed economic region. Over 2,570 companies were considered in this analysis, and 2,474 had meaningful values. The average net income to stockholders of companies in the sector is 29.743 M with a standard deviation of 139.8 M.

Insight Enterprises Inc's Net Income to Stockholders of 249.7 M ranks in the 95.3% percentile for the sector. The following table provides additional summary stats:

Net Income to Stockholders In The Information Technology Sector
Economic Risk RegionDeveloped
Total Constituents2,578
Included Constituents2,474
Min-237.8 M
Max1.32 B
Median270.938 K
Mean29.743 M
Standard Deviation139.8 M

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