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Fwd Earnings Yield for Insight Enterprises Inc

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NSIT: Insight Enterprises Inc

Insight Enterprises, Inc., together with its subsidiaries, provides information technology, hardware, software, and services in the United States and internationally. The company offers modern platfor...

154.18 USD
Fair Value
146.56 - 228.07
52-week range


Fiscal Years
Trailing Twelve Months
Fiscal Halfs
Fiscal Quarters
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The following section summarizes insights on Insight Enterprises Inc's Fwd Earnings Yield:

Dec 2026Dec 2028Dec 2030Dec 2032Dec 20346.0%8.0%10.0%12.0%

Performance Summary
  • Insight's fwd earnings yield is 6.7%
  • Insight's fwd earnings yield is expected to average 7.9% over the next 5 fiscal years.
  • Insight's is expected to deliver median fwd earnings yield of 8.3% over the next 5 fiscal years.

How does Insight Enterprises's Fwd Earnings Yield benchmark against competitors?

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We've identified the following companies as similar to Insight Enterprises Inc because they operate in a related industry or sector. We also considered size, growth, and various financial metrics to narrow down the list to the ones listed below.

Metric Usage: Fwd Earnings Yield

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Metrics similar to Fwd Earnings Yield in the valuation category include:

  • 4 Week Price Total Return - The total change in price (adjusted of dividends and splits when applicable) over the last 4 weeks.
  • Avg Price / LTM Sales (5y) - Five-year quarterly average Price / LTM Sales.
  • Daily Low (Trading Days Only) - The lowest trading price reached during a trading day. Only returns data for trading days.
  • Price / NNWC - Compares the current stock price to the Net Net Working Capital (NNWC) where NNWC equals Cash & Equivalents + (Accounts Receivables x 0.75) + (Inventory x 0.5) - Total Liabilities.
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Fwd Earnings Yield

The inverse of the forward price-to-earnings ratio.

Definition of Fwd Earnings Yield

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Forward earnings yield is the inverse of the forward P/E ratio and is defined as:

Projected Earnings Per Share (EPS) / Stock Price


1 / Forward PE Multiple

Similar to the Dividend Yield, the earnings yield is used calculate the return on investment in the form of Net Income.

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