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Dividend Per Share for Eastern Platinum Limited

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ELR: Eastern Platinum Limited

Eastern Platinum Limited, together with its subsidiaries, engages in the mining, exploration, and development of platinum group metal and chrome properties in South Africa. Its PGM deposits include pl...

0.17 CAD
Fair Value
0.09 - 0.30
52-week range


Fiscal Years
Trailing Twelve Months
Fiscal Halfs
Fiscal Quarters
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The following section summarizes insights on Eastern Platinum Limited's Dividend Per Share:

Dec 2015Dec 2017Dec 2019Dec 2021Dec 2023

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    We've identified the following companies as similar to Eastern Platinum Limited because they operate in a related industry or sector. We also considered size, growth, and various financial metrics to narrow down the list to the ones listed below.

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    Metrics similar to Dividend Per Share in the dividends category include:

    • Dividend CAGR (7y) - Seven-year compound annual growth rate in dividend per share.
    • Dividend Per Share - The dividend paid to shareholders for each share of stock. For quarterly dividend payers, it's common practice to multiply the most recent dividend by 4 to calculate dividend per share. Special dividends are not included in the calculation unless the company pays the dividend consistently in more than 1 period.
    • Payment Type of Last Dividend - Payment type of the last dividend. Value can be one of the following: cash, stock, spinoff, rights, and multiple dividends.
    • Dividends Growth Streak - Measures the number of consecutive calendar years a company has paid a dividend and increased the dividend payment compared to the prior calendar year.
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    Dividend Per Share

    The dividend paid to shareholders for each share of stock. For quarterly dividend payers, it's common practice to multiply the most recent dividend by...

    Definition of Dividend Per Share

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    The dividend paid to shareholders for each share of stock. For quarterly dividend payers, it's common practice to multiply the most recent dividend by 4 to calculate dividend per share. Special dividends are not included in the calculation unless the company pays the dividend consistently in more than 1 period.

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