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Implied Shares Outstanding for TRX Gold Corp

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TRX: TRX Gold Corp

TRX Gold Corporation is a gold production company that also explores for deposits, with active operations at the Buckreef Gold Project in Tanzania. The company was formerly known as Tanzanian Gold Cor...

0.31 USD
Fair Value
0.28 - 0.49
52-week range


Fiscal Years
Trailing Twelve Months
Fiscal Halfs
Fiscal Quarters
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The following section summarizes insights on TRX Gold Corp's Implied Shares Outstanding:

Aug 2016Aug 2018Aug 2020Aug 2022Aug 2024

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    We've identified the following companies as similar to TRX Gold Corp because they operate in a related industry or sector. We also considered size, growth, and various financial metrics to narrow down the list to the ones listed below.

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    Metrics similar to Implied Shares Outstanding in the valuation category include:

    • Daily Low (Trading Days Only) - The lowest trading price reached during a trading day. Only returns data for trading days.
    • Price Percent Change Today, Pre Market - The pre-market percent change in price of an instrument or asset so far today
    • Buyback Yield - A ratio that measures the difference between the amount of share repurchases and the amount of share issuances over the trailing twelve months divided by the company's market capitalization.
    • EV / Fwd Revenue - Measures the dollars in Enterprise Value for each dollar of revenue projected to be earned over the next twelve months.
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    Implied Shares Outstanding

    Implied shares outstanding of company's equity shares including partnership interests.

    Definition of Implied Shares Outstanding

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    Implied shares outstanding of company's equity shares including partnership interests.

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