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Return on Invested Capital for New Gold Inc

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NGD: New Gold Inc

New Gold Inc., an intermediate gold mining company, engages in the development and operation of mineral properties in Canada. It primarily explores for gold, silver, and copper deposits. The company’s...

3.22 USD
Fair Value
1.56 - 3.48
52-week range


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Return on Invested Capital

A capital efficiency ratio used to measure a firm's ability to create value for all its stakeholders, debt, and equity.

Definition of Return on Invested Capital

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Return on Invested Capital or ROIC is defined as:

Net Operating Profit After Tax
(/) Average Invested Capital
Return on Invested Capital

Return on Invested Capital for New Gold is calculated as follows:

Net Operating Profit After Tax [ $156.3 M ]
(/) Average Invested Capital over Period [ $1.321 B ]
(=) Return on Invested Capital [ 11.8% ]

Where Invested Capital is calculated as follows:

(+) Average debt = ($401.2 M + $399.7 M) / 2 = $400.4 M
(+) Average Equity = ($789.2 M + $1.052 B) / 2 = $920.8 M
(=) Invested Capital [ $1.321 B ]

The tables below summarizes the trend in New Gold’s return on assets over the last five years:

Fiscal Year Net Operating Profit After Tax Average Invested Capital Return on Invested Capital
2020-12-31 $56.584 M $1.508 B 3.8%
2021-12-31 $117.4 M $1.387 B 8.5%
2022-12-31 -$15.928 M $1.416 B −1.1%
2023-12-31 $50.248 M $1.277 B 3.9%
2024-12-31 $156.3 M $1.321 B 11.8%

Return on Invested Capital is used to evaluate the ability of the company to create value for all its stakeholders, debt and equity. ROIC can be used to benchmark companies within an industry but it is also useful to consider its relationship to the Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC).

Since ROIC measures the company’s ability to generate a return on invested capital, and the WACC measures the minimum return required by the company’s capital providers (equity and debt), the difference between ROIC and WACC is referred to as Economic Profit or Excess Return.

Excess Return = Return on Invested Capital - Weighted Average Cost of Capital

Click the link below to download a spreadsheet with an example Return on Invested Capital calculation for New Gold Inc below:

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