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How does Milestone Scientific's Debt / Common Equity benchmark against competitors?

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We've identified the following companies as similar to Milestone Scientific because they operate in a related industry or sector. We also considered size, growth, and various financial metrics to narrow down the list to the ones listed below.

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Metrics similar to Debt / Common Equity in the risk category include:

  • Interest Coverage Ratio - A ratio used to assess a firm's ability to pay interest expenses based on operating profits (EBIT).
  • Beta (5 Year) - A ratio that measures the risk or volatility of a company's share price in comparison to the market as a whole. A beta of 1.0 means that the company rises and falls in direct relationship to the movement of the benchmark index. A beta that is less than 1 indicates a stock that is less volatile than the overall market and a beta greater than 1 indicates that the stock is more volatile.
  • FCF / Net Income - This data item measures the ratio of levered free cash flow to net income to common, excluding extra items. It is a quick and helpful check on the quality of earnings.
  • Realized Volatility (60d Annualized) - Realized volatility (also known as rolling volatility) over the last 60 days.
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Debt / Common Equity

Definition of Debt / Common Equity

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Debt / Equity is defined as:

Total Debt
(/) Total Common Equity
(=) Debt / Equity

Debt / Equity for Milestone Scientific is calculated as follows:

Total Debt [ 311.692 T]
(/) Total Common Equity [ 7.221 M ]
(=) Debt / Equity [ 4.3% ]

The tables below summarizes the trend in Milestone Scientific’s Debt / Equity over the last five years:

Fiscal Year Total Debt Total Common Equity Debt / Equity
2019-12-31 15.977 T 1.696 M 0.9%
2020-12-31 942.595 T 16.201 M 5.8%
2021-12-31 586.588 T 16.368 M 3.6%
2022-12-31 497.043 T 10.226 M 4.9%
2023-12-31 395.978 T 8.013 M 4.9%

The tables below summarizes the trend in Milestone Scientific’s Debt / Equity over the last four quarters:

Fiscal Quarter Total Debt Total Common Equity Debt / Equity
2023-12-31 395.978 T 8.013 M 4.9%
2024-03-31 369.348 T 7.46 M 5.0%
2024-06-30 340.439 T 7.954 M 4.3%
2024-09-30 311.692 T 7.221 M 4.3%

The higher the ratio, the more debt the company has in its capital structure.

Read More on HBR: Debt / Equity Ratio

Click the link below to download a spreadsheet with an example Debt / Common Equity calculation for Milestone Scientific below:

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