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Change in Net Working Capital for Paragon 28 Inc

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FNA: Paragon 28 Inc

Paragon 28, Inc. develops, distributes, and sells foot and ankle surgical systems in the United States and internationally. The company offers forefoot systems, including gorilla precision MTP plating...

13.02 USD
Fair Value
4.65 - 13.13
52-week range


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We've identified the following companies as similar to Paragon 28 Inc because they operate in a related industry or sector. We also considered size, growth, and various financial metrics to narrow down the list to the ones listed below.

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Metrics similar to Change in Net Working Capital in the financials category include:

  • Earnings of Discontinued Ops. - This item represents the total of income (loss), net of tax, from operations of the discontinued division. It includes the gain (loss) on the sale of the division.
  • Beginning Cash (CF) - This item represents cash and cash equivalents as at the beginning of the period.
  • Short-Term Debt Repaid - This item represents cash outflows on account of repayment of short-term debt.
  • Extraordinary Items - This item represents an unusual one-time gain or loss on the income statement. As per US GAAP, companies require that Extraordinary Items must be separately disclosed in the income statement, net of any related tax effects, after discontinued operations and before the cumulative effect of changes in accounting principle. Extraordinary Items as per U.S. GAAP has a different meaning than that of the dictionary meaning. Generally 'Gain/Loss on early retirement/extinguishment of debt' are reported as Extraordinary Items by U.S. companies.
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Change in Net Working Capital

Periodic change in Net Working Capital.

Definition of Change in Net Working Capital

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Periodic change in Net Working Capital.

Sector Benchmark Analysis

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-253.6 M-103.6 M181.1 M0400800

The chart above depicts the distribution of change in net working capital for companies operating in the Healthcare sector in the Developed economic region. Over 2,420 companies were considered in this analysis, and 2,325 had meaningful values. The average change in net working capital of companies in the sector is -242.868 K with a standard deviation of 32.306 M.

Paragon 28 Inc's Change in Net Working Capital of 5.278 M ranks in the 81.2% percentile for the sector. The following table provides additional summary stats:

Change in Net Working Capital In The Healthcare Sector
Economic Risk RegionDeveloped
Total Constituents2,421
Included Constituents2,325
Min-262 M
Max180.9 M
Median-68.695 K
Mean-242.868 K
Standard Deviation32.306 M

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