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Avg FFO Margin Forecast (10y) for Arrow Electronics Inc

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ARW: Arrow Electronics Inc

Arrow Electronics, Inc. provides products, services, and solutions to industrial and commercial users of electronic components and enterprise computing solutions in the Americas, Europe, the Middle Ea...

107.10 USD
Fair Value
101.78 - 137.80
52-week range


Fiscal Years
Trailing Twelve Months
Fiscal Halfs
Fiscal Quarters
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The following section summarizes insights on Arrow Electronics Inc's Avg FFO Margin Forecast (10y):


Performance Summary
  • Avg ffo margin forecast (10y) for Arrow Electronics is not meaningful.

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We've identified the following companies as similar to Arrow Electronics Inc because they operate in a related industry or sector. We also considered size, growth, and various financial metrics to narrow down the list to the ones listed below.

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Metrics similar to Avg FFO Margin Forecast (10y) in the forecast category include:

  • Unlevered FCF Forecast Margin - Forecasted unlevered free cash flow as a percent of forecasted revenue.
  • EPS Forecast Revision Date - The date/time at which the current consensus estimate of forecasted EPS was last updated.
  • Consensus Net Income, Actual - Reported net income including any adjustments for unusual items proposed by management. This metric is useful for analyst forecast vs actual analysis since deciding which add backs are truly "unusual" is subjective. Consider using "ni" slug instead for other analysis.
  • AFFO Forecast High Consensus - The highest AFFO Forecast submitted by any analyst for the company.
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Avg FFO Margin Forecast (10y)

Ten year average forecasted funds from operations (AFFO) margin.

Definition of Avg FFO Margin Forecast (10y)

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