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Book Value per Share (Reported) for Zynex Inc

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ZYXI: Zynex Inc

Zynex, Inc., together with its subsidiaries, designs, manufactures, and markets medical devices to treat chronic and acute pain, and activate and exercise muscles for rehabilitative purposes with elec...

2.46 USD
Fair Value
2.41 - 12.84
52-week range


Fiscal Years
Trailing Twelve Months
Fiscal Halfs
Fiscal Quarters
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The following section summarizes insights on Zynex Inc's Book Value per Share (Reported):

Dec 2016Dec 2018Dec 2020Dec 2022Dec 20240

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    Metrics similar to Book Value per Share (Reported) in the financials category include:

    • Interest Capitalized - Interest expense that has been capitalized as an asset and is amortized over a defined period.
    • Deferred Foreign Taxes - This item represents the deferred amount of taxes, payable by the company to countries other than its home country. For a U.S. company, taxes deferred in another country will be deferred foreign taxes. For a non-U.S. company, taxes deferred to the US Government will be deferred foreign taxes.
    • EBT Excl. Unusual Items - This item represents EBT Before Non Recurring Items and is arrived at after adjusting, the following, to Operating Profit (OPIN): 1. Interest Expense, Total and 2. Total Non Operating Income/(Expenses) (NOIET).
    • Other Investing Activities - This item represents all other investing cash flows not included in any specific data item.
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    Book Value per Share (Reported)

    If reported by the company, the book value of common equity on a per basic share basis. Use bv_share if you would like the value computed and normaliz...

    Definition of Book Value per Share (Reported)

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    If reported by the company, the book value of common equity on a per basic share basis. Use bv_share if you would like the value computed and normalized by us.

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