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Financial Institutions IncNASDAQGS:FISI

United States / Financials / Banks

Comparable Companies
Benchmark against competitors and similar companies to estimate a fair value. Compares operating metrics and valuation multiples of similar public companies to determine the value.
Template Variations
Price / Sales Multiples
Benchmarks Price to Sales ratios to estimate equity value.
P/E Multiples
Benchmarks Price to Earnings ratios to estimate equity value.
Price / Book Multiples
Benchmarks Price to Book ratios to estimate equity value.
Cost of Capital
Estimate Cost of Debt, Cost of Equity and a Weighted Average Cost of Capital to discount future cash flows to present value.
Template Variations
Uses the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) to estimate cost of equity and cost of debt.
Historical Financials
A clean and simple presentation of the company's historical Income Statement, Balance Sheet and Statement of Cash Flows in a standard format.
Template Variations
Bank Financials
Five years of historical financial statement data modified for the reporting requirements of banks and financial institutions
Dividend Discount Model
Forecast a stream of dividends and discount them back to present to estimate a fair value per share.
Template Variations
DDM Stable Growth
Single stage dividend discount model also known as the Gordon Growth Model.
DDM Multi Stage
Uses a higher growth for the first five years before assuming a stable growth rate into perpetuity.
Return on Equity Analysis
A method for assessing a company's return on equity (ROE) breaking it into three parts.
Template Variations
DuPont ROE Analysis
Analyzes trends in Return on Equity over time. Benchmarks against industry peers.
This model is passing all validation checks! Starting assumptions used in this model are reliable but we always recommend you review and modify them as you see fit.
This model is passing all validation checks! Starting assumptions used in this model are reliable but we always recommend you review and modify them as you see fit.
This model is passing all validation checks! Starting assumptions used in this model are reliable but we always recommend you review and modify them as you see fit.
This model is passing all validation checks! Starting assumptions used in this model are reliable but we always recommend you review and modify them as you see fit.
This model is passing all validation checks! Starting assumptions used in this model are reliable but we always recommend you review and modify them as you see fit.
This model is passing all validation checks! Starting assumptions used in this model are reliable but we always recommend you review and modify them as you see fit.
This model is passing all validation checks! Starting assumptions used in this model are reliable but we always recommend you review and modify them as you see fit.
This model is passing all validation checks! Starting assumptions used in this model are reliable but we always recommend you review and modify them as you see fit.