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EV / Revenue for Dlocal Ltd

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DLO: Dlocal Ltd

DLocal Limited operates a payment processing platform worldwide. The company offers pay-in solution which the business and get paid for their products and services through various payment methods, inc...

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The following section summarizes insights on Dlocal Ltd's EV / Revenue:

Dec 2016Dec 2018Dec 2020Dec 2022Dec 20240.0x20.0x40.0x60.0x

Performance Summary
  • Dlocal's latest twelve months ev / revenue is 2.5x
  • Dlocal's ev / revenue decreased in 2022 (10.8x, -78.6%), 2023 (7.8x, -28.1%), and 2024 (2.5x, -68.4%).

How does Dlocal's EV / Revenue benchmark against competitors?

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We've identified the following companies as similar to Dlocal Ltd because they operate in a related industry or sector. We also considered size, growth, and various financial metrics to narrow down the list to the ones listed below.

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Metrics similar to EV / Revenue in the valuation category include:

  • PEG Ratio - A heuristic used to measure the level of earnings growth reflected in a stock's market price.
  • EV / Invested Capital - Measures the dollars in Enterprise Value for each dollar of Invested Capital (Equity + Debt) over the last twelve months.
  • Shares Outstanding CAGR (3y) - Three-year compound annual growth rate in shares outstanding.
  • Total Capital (Market Value) - Total Capital (Market Value) is a supplemental line item with the following components: Total Preferred Equity, Total Debt, Market Value of Total Common Equity, and Minority Interest, Total (Incl. Fin. Div).
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EV / Revenue

Measures the dollars in Enterprise Value for each dollar of revenue over the last twelve months.

Definition of EV / Revenue

Sector Benchmark Analysis

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