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Total Debt / FCF for AvidXchange Holdings Inc

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AVDX: AvidXchange Holdings Inc

AvidXchange Holdings, Inc. provides accounts payable (AP) automation software and payment solutions for middle market businesses and their suppliers in the United States. The company offers AP automat...

8.25 USD
Fair Value
6.61 - 13.49
52-week range


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Metrics similar to Total Debt / FCF in the risk category include:

  • Total Debt / EBITDA - A ratio that is calculated as Total Debt (including Capital Leases) divided by EBITDA.
  • Net Debt / Total Capital - A ratio that measures the level of the net debt relative to the market value of total capital. Net debt is the sum of all long term debt fields minus cash and short-term investments.
  • Price Standard Deviation (1 year) - Standard deviation of closing price over the last one year.
  • Short Term Debt Coverage Ratio - A ratio that measures the amount of cash flow a firm generates for each dollar of short-term debt it uses
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Total Debt / FCF

A ratio that is calculated as Total Debt (including Capital Leases) divided by levered free cash flow.

Definition of Total Debt / FCF

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A ratio that is calculated as Total Debt (including Capital Leases) divided by levered free cash flow.

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