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  • Teo Seng Capital's number of sell recommendations is 0

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Metrics similar to Number of Sell Recommendations in the predictions category include:

  • Predicted P/E Ratio - Our estimate of the fair value P/E Ratio for a company.
  • Number of No Opinion Recommendations - The number of analysts publishing a No Opinion recommendation for the stock.
  • Fair Value Label - Fair Value label assigned based on the percentage upside when compared to internal fair value estimate. Value is one of UNAVAILABLE, BARGAIN, UNDERVALUED, FAIR, OVERVALUED, or EXPENSIVE
  • Analyst Price Target Median - The median analyst price target for a stock. Price targets represent what analysts believe a stock will be worth within the next 12 to 18 months.
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Number of Sell Recommendations

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The number of analysts publishing a Sell recommendation for the stock.

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