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NESTLE: Nestle (Malaysia) Bhd

Nestlé (Malaysia) Berhad manufactures and sells food and beverage products in Malaysia and internationally. The company offers ice-cream, powdered milk and drinks, liquid milk and juices, instant coff...

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The following section summarizes insights on Nestle (Malaysia) Bhd's EBITDA:

Dec 2016Dec 2018Dec 2020Dec 2022Dec 2024800 M1 B1.2 B

Performance Summary
  • Nestle's latest twelve months ebitda is 790.8 million
  • Nestle's ebitda for fiscal years ending December 2020 to 2024 averaged 963.3 million.
  • Nestle's operated at median ebitda of 944.1 million from fiscal years ending December 2020 to 2024.
  • Looking back at the last 5 years, Nestle's ebitda peaked in December 2023 at 1.117 billion.
  • Nestle's ebitda hit its 5-year low in December 2024 of 790.8 million.
  • Nestle's ebitda decreased in 2020 (896.5 million, -14.3%) and 2024 (790.8 million, -29.2%) and increased in 2021 (944.1 million, +5.3%), 2022 (1.068 billion, +13.1%), and 2023 (1.117 billion, +4.6%).

How does Nestle's EBITDA benchmark against competitors?

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Metrics similar to EBITDA in the financials category include:

  • Other Receivables - This item represents all amounts receivable by the company in the form of cash other than those classified as accounts receivable or notes receivable.
  • Interest And Invest. Income (Rev) - Interest income from loans made, or income related to investments made, as a normal part of daily operations.
  • EBT Excl. Unusual Items - This item represents EBT Before Non Recurring Items and is arrived at after adjusting, the following, to Operating Profit (OPIN): 1. Interest Expense, Total and 2. Total Non Operating Income/(Expenses) (NOIET).
  • Extraordinary Items - This item represents an unusual one-time gain or loss on the income statement. As per US GAAP, companies require that Extraordinary Items must be separately disclosed in the income statement, net of any related tax effects, after discontinued operations and before the cumulative effect of changes in accounting principle. Extraordinary Items as per U.S. GAAP has a different meaning than that of the dictionary meaning. Generally 'Gain/Loss on early retirement/extinguishment of debt' are reported as Extraordinary Items by U.S. companies.
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Income before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization adjusted for certain one-time items.

Definition of EBITDA

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EBITDA for Nestlé Berhad is calculated as follows:

Earnings Before Taxes [ 544.4 M ]
(+) Net Interest Expenses [ 63.935 M ]
(+) Non Operating Expenses [ 671 T ]
(+) Depreciation and Amortization [ 181.8 M ]
(+) Unusual Expenses [ zero ]

(=) EBITDA [ 790.8 M ]

EBITDA is defined as Earnings before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation and Amortization excluding unusual items. It is a commonly used metric in valuation as a proxy for operating profitability. EBITDA gives us a clearer picture of profitability when comparing companies with different capital structures. So why is it useful to use EBITDA and ignore interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization when comparing the performance of different companies?

Difference in Interest Expense

Two companies that are otherwise similar may have different levels of debt. The company with higher debt will likely have higher interest expense and lower Net Income. Since EBITDA ignores interest expense, it is not directly affected by management’s financing decisions.

Difference in Taxes

The amount of a tax a company pays each year is determined by a wide range of factors that does not always reflect the profitability of the company since the taxes a company is subject to reflects factors like political jurisdictions, past loss carryforwards, research and development tax credits, and depreciation on capital assets to name a few.

Depreciation and Amortization

Two companies that are otherwise similar may purchase capital assets (machines, vehicles, buildings, etc.) at different times which can impact depreciation. Ignoring depreciation and amortization allows us to normalize income for these differences.

Unusual Items

Unusual items consist of income or expenses included in a company’s income statement from events, which are unusual and infrequent in nature.

EBITDA is most useful in ratios to benchmark profitability, growth, credit risk, and relative valution. Popular EBITDA benchmark metrics include ebitda margin, ebitda minus capex margin, ebitda growth, and ev / ebitda.

Click the link below to download a spreadsheet with an example EBITDA calculation for Nestle (Malaysia) Bhd below:

Sector Benchmark Analysis

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0 K1.5 B3 B4.98 B0200400600800

The chart above depicts the distribution of ebitda for companies operating in the Consumer Staples sector in the Developing economic region. Over 1,560 companies were considered in this analysis, and 1,501 had meaningful values. The average ebitda of companies in the sector is 262 M with a standard deviation of 622.7 M.

Nestle (Malaysia) Bhd's EBITDA of 790.8 M ranks in the 90.2% percentile for the sector. The following table provides additional summary stats:

EBITDA In The Consumer Staples Sector
Economic Risk RegionDeveloping
Total Constituents1,563
Included Constituents1,501
Min-71.661 M
Max4.875 B
Median31.265 M
Mean262 M
Standard Deviation622.7 M

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