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Total Debt / Total Capital for Embecta Corp

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EMBC: Embecta Corp

Embecta Corp., a medical device company, focuses on the provision of various solutions to enhance the health and wellbeing of people living with diabetes in the United States and internationally. The ...

13.15 USD
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9.93 - 21.48
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The following section summarizes insights on Embecta Corp's Total Debt / Total Capital:

Sep 2016Sep 2018Sep 2020Sep 2022Sep 202440.0%50.0%60.0%70.0%80.0%

Performance Summary
  • Embecta's latest twelve months total debt / total capital is 67.6%
  • Embecta's total debt / total capital increased in 2023 (65.8%, +32.2%) and 2024 (67.0%, +1.9%).


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Metrics similar to Total Debt / Total Capital in the risk category include:

  • Beta (1 Year) - A ratio that measures the risk or volatility of a company's share price in comparison to the market as a whole. Beta (1 Year) is calculated using one year of weekly returns.
  • Total Debt / EBITDA - A ratio that is calculated as Total Debt (including Capital Leases) divided by EBITDA.
  • Sloan Ratio - A formula developed by Richard Sloan in 1996 that measures the degree of accruals versus reported earnings.
  • EBITDA less CapEx Interest Coverage Ratio - A ratio used to assess a firm's ability to pay interest expenses based on EBITDA less Capital Expenditures.
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Total Debt / Total Capital

A ratio that measures the level of the debt relative to the market value of total capital.

Definition of Total Debt / Total Capital

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Total Debt / Total Capital is defined as:

Total Capital = Market Cap + Total Debt
Total Debt / Total Capital = Total Debt / Total Capital

The higher the percentage, the more debt the company has in its capital structure and the lower the equity cushion. In times of distress, a high Debt / Total Capital increases the chances of default or bankruptcy.

Click the link below to download a spreadsheet with an example Total Debt / Total Capital calculation for Embecta Corp below:

Sector Benchmark Analysis

Industry Group
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The chart above depicts the distribution of total debt / total capital for companies operating in the Healthcare sector in the Developed economic region. Over 2,455 companies were considered in this analysis, and 2,411 had meaningful values. The average total debt / total capital of companies in the sector is 19.1% with a standard deviation of 23.2%.

Embecta Corp's Total Debt / Total Capital of 67.6% ranks in the 93.9% percentile for the sector. The following table provides additional summary stats:

Total Debt / Total Capital In The Healthcare Sector
Economic Risk RegionDeveloped
Total Constituents2,460
Included Constituents2,411
Standard Deviation23.2%

You can find companies with similar total debt / total capital using this stock screener.

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