Metrics similar to Consensus EBIT, Actual in the forecast category include:
Inventory Long-Term - This item represents the non-current inventories of the motion picture film industry comprising of certain capitalized costs incurred for the acquisition and production of entertainment properties.
Other Intangibles - This item represents the net values of those assets (i.e. gross intangibles less accumulated amortization), which provide future economic benefit to the enterprise but have no physical form. It also includes the combined net amount of "Goodwill and Intangibles" (i.e. gross goodwill and intangibles as reduced by the accumulated amortization), where it is not possible to separately identify net goodwill and net intangibles.
Unfunded Vested Pension Liabilities - This item represents the total projected benefits, vested and non-vested payable by an employer to an employee in respect of defined benefit pension plans (Both Domestic and Foreign Plans).