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Short Interest Ratio for Nestle (Malaysia) Bhd

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NESTLE: Nestle (Malaysia) Bhd

Nestlé (Malaysia) Berhad manufactures and sells food and beverage products in Malaysia and internationally. The company offers ice-cream, powdered milk and drinks, liquid milk and juices, instant coff...

64.00 MYR
Fair Value
61.80 - 130.00
52-week range


Fiscal Years
Trailing Twelve Months
Fiscal Halfs
Fiscal Quarters
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How does Nestle's Short Interest Ratio benchmark against competitors?

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We've identified the following companies as similar to Nestle (Malaysia) Bhd because they operate in a related industry or sector. We also considered size, growth, and various financial metrics to narrow down the list to the ones listed below.

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Metric Usage: Short Interest Ratio

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To view the full list of supported financial metrics please see Complete Metrics Listing.

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Metrics similar to Short Interest Ratio in the valuation category include:

  • Market Cap / Fwd Revenue - Indicates the multiple of forward revenue that stock investors are willing to pay for one share of the firm.
  • PEG Ratio Fwd - A heuristic used to measure the level of projected earnings growth reflected in a stock's market price.
  • 3 Week Price Total Return - The total change in price (adjusted of dividends and splits when applicable) over the last 3 weeks.
  • Enterprise Value (EV) - Enterprise Value (EV), also referred to as Business Enterprise Value (BEV), reflects the market value of the entire business. Unlikely Total Enterprise Value (TEV), EV excludes value related to the non-operating assets of the business.
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Short Interest Ratio

The ratio of tradable shares being shorted to shares in the market.

Definition of Short Interest Ratio

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Short Ratio is the ratio of tradable shares being shorted to shares in the market.

Shares Sold Short  / _invpro_glossary_average_daily_volume

If the short ratio gets too high, it may cause a short squeeze.

Read more about short interest (shares) and average daily volume (3m)

Click the link below to download a spreadsheet with an example Short Interest Ratio calculation for Nestle (Malaysia) Bhd below:

Sector Benchmark Analysis

Industry Group
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